Root Canal Specialist in Gardner MA – 01440
Root canal treatment is aimed at preventing natural tooth which has already got deteriorated owing to severe infection. Root canal treatment eliminates the need for tooth extraction which may have got infected because of a variety of reasons such as large fillings, cavities, crowns and severe wear. You must know that if the tooth doesn’t get treated in time, it will be required to be extracted.
By visiting
Endodontists in Gardner, MA
, - 01400, you can save your natural teeth with the utmost ease.
Do you have any of these symptoms?
If you have any of the symptoms below, our dentists at Gardner Smiles may recommend a non-surgical treatment such as a root canal to get rid of the diseased pulp. The whole root canal system inside the tooth will be cleaned and sealed. We also use local anesthesia to make the entire treatment as comfortable as possible.
- Deep decay
- Cracks or chips
- Swollen tooth
- Abnormal sensitivity to temperature
- Any pain in gums or tooth